1. The world of journalism is changing. Declining ad revenues are causing publications to shut their doors, move online, cut staff. This has created an increased reliance on contributed content from freelancers. While this narrows the field of opportunity for traditional PR, it opens up new opportunity for brands to tell their own stories in journalistic style.
2. Blogs and social media are a trusted channel for new. Where in the past the only way a company could have its story told was through a reporter, today companies now have the ability to by-pass traditional media to tell their own stories through their blog, social media channels and interact directly with their prospective and current customers.
3. Stories draw people in. Audiences indicate they are more compelled by companies who communicate through stories.
4. Brand journalism isn't repackaged PR spin. Stories need to be authentic, objective and adhere to journalistic principles or trust will not be achieved. Strongly consider turning to trained journalist freelancers to develop your stories.
5. Brand journalism complements and indeed can up the credibility of an organization's content marketing strategy. It can also complement existing PR efforts.
Are you embarking on a brand journalism strategy in your organization?