Are you spamming your customers and putting your business at risk?
New highly restrictive spamming laws to inflict significant financial penalty on those who do not conform.
Canada's anti-spam laws to make it harder for businesses to send ...Feb 27, 2013 ... Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation might have a more negative impact on Canadian businesses and consumers than well-in...
New Canadian spam legislation -- among the most restrictive in the world -- is set to go into effect in 2014.The legislation will enforce high financial penalty on marketers who fail to comply. The legislation, intended to protect Canadians from spamming, hacking and spyware, will severly punish companies who engage in these activities. Also included in the new legislation is the practice of "harvesting" where a computer system is used to collect electronic addresses without consent. Fortunately, most commercial email marketing tools, such as @mailchimp have been updated to ensure users of the system remain in compliance. But not all marketers turn to these tools - there are still many out there who run email campaigns manually. To read more about this legislation and understand what you'll need to do to comply check out:
How to Comply with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) | Davis ...Mar 7, 2013 ... As outlined in our May 2011 bulletin "Are You Prepared for Canada's New Anti- Spam Law?", almost every bus...